


翻新的修复部分将通过私人保险报销这笔费用, 医疗补助和医疗保险报销. The 健康中心 doesn’t receive any expense reimbursement, except through very reasonable membership fees. 正因为如此, we are asking the community to make a onetime investment in the 健康中心,” Box Butte健康基金会 Director Brooke Shelmadine said. “现在是时候公开博克斯巴特健康基金会的资本活动,以完成对该设施的资助.”

IM电竞App官网的总筹款目标是1美元.400万美元。. Shelmadine报道. “Last year we initiated the silent phase of our capital campaign. A large part of that was the Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation challenging us to match a $250,000 grant they awarded us.”

To date, the total amount raised through donations and pledges is $1,008,056. Ms. Shelmadine said, “That’s 72 percent of our goal, with $391,944 still needed to meet it. IM电竞App官网仍处于公开阶段, 这意味着IM电竞App官网将邀请社区参与进来,加大努力筹集资金,把IM电竞App官网推向顶峰.”

There are several ways people can give. “Of course, we’ll accept any amount, no matter its size,” she said.  “Any show of support is always appreciated and every dollar gets us closer to going over the top. With that said, we do have several recognition incentives for larger amounts. If a family, business, or individual gives $5,000, they will be included on our donor wall. 超过20美元的礼物,000 you can have an individual room named after you, 你的家人, 或者是为了纪念所爱的人. 这些5美元,000元及20元,000级是家庭可以参与的地方,以他们的家族名义汇集他们的钱或纪念他们家族中的某个人, 不只是在纪念仪式上, 但有人还活着. We already have 11 rooms named, with several others still available.”

BBHF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, making all gifts tax exempt. 捐款和/或认捐可以发送到:Box Butte健康基金会,邮政信箱810,联盟,NE 69301. 捐款也可以由 点击这里 (be sure to choose 资本运动 in the Gift Designation field). Ms. Shelmadine can also be reached at 308.761.3079 for answers to any questions or requests.

For more information regarding the 资本运动, please contact: 




